Applying for Benefits

Apply for Early or Regular Retirement

Check to see if you are vested by logging in to Your Benefits Online.  An eligible participant applying for an Early Retirement or a Regular Retirement benefit may submit an application 90 days before the month he or she first becomes eligible for benefits (for Early Retirement, the month after the participant turns age 55; and for Regular Retirement the month after the participant turns age 62).  Contact the Pension Office at 702-369-0000 to request an application be mailed to you. The application package will include information on the required documents you will need to submit.


Apply for Disability Benefits

Contact the Pension Office at 702-369-0000 to request a Disability Application be mailed to you. The Disability Application package includes a questionnaire that you will need to complete with a list of all your treating physicians for your disability condition and provide hospital records, if hospitalized for your disability condition.  If you have applied for Social Security Disability benefits, you must provide a copy of the Award letter or the Denial letter.